viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

Hot Tamale's presents... Our trip to Scotland!

Yeah! We're preparing a trip to Scotland without going there, this is the joke...
My group and I are preparing this trip with only 750€ per person (£608.4 per person) and each member has a role. For example, I'm the guide and I have to search places where we have to go like Edinburgh Castle and the ticket prices. Also I search some information of those places with the teacher.
This idea starts vecause of our School Trip of 4th ESO, so our teacher told us to do a virtual trip to Scotland (the worst part of this is that we will not go to Scotland...) If you want to see the blog of  my partern of Hot Tamale's Team, you have to click there:
Mike (Catering)
Chrisitan (Travel Agent)
Andrea (Teacher)
Don't foget to see the project of my classmates --------------------->
So here is our wiki, and... WELCOME TO SCOTLAND!

The wiki has problems... So we did the same but in a pdf. So you can print it or you can dowloand it, in he pdf you see it better.
And to present our project we did a Prezi,we hope you enjoy it! :-)

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Our classrom needs color...

Our classroom is a little bit ugly, the colors that it has are... "specials". So one day our teacher said: "We will decorte our classroom with motivations senteces". We were excited and will surfered on internet and we found images and senteces. Then we uploaded to our board in Pinterest and we started a voting to choose the better pictures for our clasroom. And of them was my picture. But also the other pictures of my classmates were amazaing. Here you can see it! :-) Then we sticked to a card and then we sticked in the classrom. Now the classroom is amazing!

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Do you what to learn how to do a relaxing massage?

This time our task was to make a BCK( Bank of Common Knowledge), he had to teach how to do something to other people and also we can learn something with the task of other people. 
So, what I have done? One thing that I like to do and I think that I do it well is to do a relaxing massage. I started with that around two years ago as a hobbie. My family ask me if I can do to him a massage. So, I have learned with some YouTube's videos, in health tv programs and by myself. So I want to show a little part of what I can do. Here is my video! If you have any question , ask me, I'll be delighted to answer it. (:

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

English Reading

This is going to be my english reading. I have this book at home in english, so I will try to read it. I haven't seen the film, so... I will read the book. (;
Do you want to know why I have choose this book? YOu only need to take a look at this! 

domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

My name, my adress my PLE

What do I think about my PLE?
Is the first year that I use that, I heard that, but now I know that I have used all this time. It's a good way to learn by yourself, and without boring ways. I like it! 

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

EXTRA EXTRA about Laura's press conference!

Today Laura has been in our class to make a press conference with the help of the best intrepeters of the world. She told things about her: she is a english person who was born in Exeter, England, and came to Spain twelve years ago. She loves SPains, the paella, Spanish weather... Also she loves sailing, thanks fo her father. She also is a lover of reading, and she would like to write a book. 
Thanks for the press conference and we hope to see you soon! (: